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World's First Custom Bike To Be Builds By RYCA

Los Angeles-based RYCA Motors, which has some expertise in building custom bike packs, has presented the CS-1X, said to be the world's first custom bike worked with enlarged reality (AR). The organization commended its tenth commemoration with the custom bike, which was uncovered on StartEngine, a main value crowdfunding site, with restricted version CS-1X units accessible as advantages to early financial specialists. 

Presently, in 2020, RYCA has refreshed the unit with the CS-1X, which uses increased reality to plan a custom bicycle. The organization's FantomView application will have the option to assemble a whole bundle for clients searching for a specific style, or make constant proposals as they redo the bicycle. The virtual parts basically fit properly, with no manual change, and can be seen from any edge. Everything occurs continuously, for a persuading mix regarding genuine and virtual. 

No pattern in motorcycling has been greater than the idea of customization, and now even the major OEMs plan and market their bicycles as a stage for perpetual personalization," said Casey Stevenson, CEO of RYCA.