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Why Climate 'Doomism' is Going Viral – and Who's Fighting It

In recent years, the term "climate doomism" has gained widespread attention, with more individuals and communities adopting a pessimistic view of the climate crisis. Doomism refers to the belief that climate change is so catastrophic and inevitable that nothing can be done to prevent environmental collapse. This sense of hopelessness has spread rapidly across social media platforms, contributing to a growing sense of apathy about the future.

The reasons behind the rise of climate doomism are multi-faceted. The alarming reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), combined with the intensifying natural disasters, have led many to believe that the planet's future is bleak. The constant media coverage of environmental destruction, coupled with the lack of sufficient political action, has fueled the perception that we are on the brink of irreversible damage. For some, the overwhelming nature of the crisis can trigger feelings of helplessness, leading to the acceptance of doomism.

However, this bleak outlook is being countered by numerous activists, scientists, and organizations who believe that action, not despair, is the key to tackling climate change. Movements such as Fridays for Future, led by Greta Thunberg, and advocacy groups like, are encouraging collective responsibility and promoting the idea that it is still possible to mitigate climate change through policy changes, innovation, and sustainable practices.

Instead of succumbing to doomism, these groups emphasize solutions, urging individuals and governments to focus on tangible actions, such as reducing carbon emissions, investing in green technologies, and strengthening international climate agreements. The growing response to doomism reflects a wider belief that positive change is possible if the global community works together.