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Stephen Amel from Arrow quietly welcomes their second baby with their wife, Cassandra Jean.

Stephen Amel and Cassandra Jean are now parents to Maverick's daughter Alexandra, whom they welcomed in 2013.

Actress Arrow and wife Cassandra Jean Amel quietly welcome another baby, news can confirm.

Citing sources, TMZ - which first reported the news - said the couple's second child, a daughter, was born in Los Angeles, California, last month.

Their newborn daughter's name is Bowen Amel, the publication reports.

Stephen, 41, and Cassandra, 36, are now parents to daughter Maverick Alexandra, whom they met in 2013. Stephen and Cassandra met in 2011 following the star's divorce from their first wife, Caroline Lawrence. The couple previously married between 2007 and 2010.

The couple then secretly married in December 2012, before saying "I will" again in May 2013. Stephen confirmed in June 2013 that Cassandra was expecting their first baby together.

"I'm happy - no, I'm not happy, I'm thrilled!" Stephen told ET Canada at the time. "I'm sure nervous energy will accompany this at some point, but only in a positive way.

Bowen was said to have been born to a surrogate mother, TMZ reported, when Stephen and Cassandra performed at a music festival in April 2022, where the mother-of-two now appears to be non-pregnant.