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Olympic Champion and Rugby Star Among NFL’s 2025 International Player Pathway Class

Olympic gold medalist Roje Stona and Australian rugby union international Jordan Petaia are among the standout athletes named in the NFL's 2025 International Player Pathway (IPP) program. The initiative offers global athletes a chance to transition into professional American football and potentially earn a place on an NFL roster.

The program will feature a 10-week training camp in Florida starting January 2025, culminating in a showcase for NFL scouts ahead of the draft.

Diverse Global Talent

The 2025 IPP class includes athletes from various sports backgrounds and countries:

Success Stories

Since its inception in 2017, the IPP program has successfully placed 41 international players on NFL teams, with 23 currently affiliated and six on active rosters.

NFL's Vision for Global Growth

Peter O'Reilly, NFL Executive Vice President, emphasized the program's significance: “Focusing on our global football development efforts and fostering international talent is crucial to growing our game globally. The IPP program offers life-changing opportunities for international talent, and we look forward to following their progress in the weeks and months ahead.”

Expanding Opportunities

The NFL's commitment to diversifying talent and expanding its international reach is evident through initiatives like the IPP. The inclusion of athletes from varied sports and countries highlights the league’s dedication to fostering a truly global sport.