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Mason Greenwood: Man Utd player charged over rape lawsuit

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Man Utd player accused of rape: 

Greater Manchester Police stated it was created aware of "social media photos and videos published by a woman reporting happenings of physical brutality."

It added, "we can guarantee a male in his 20s has since been arrested on doubt of rape and attack".

He stays in charge of questioning, and investigations are ongoing.

Manchester United before stated the player would not return to training or games till additional notice.

The club stated they "do not favor violence of any type" and had been made conscious of the allegations on social media but would make no other comment till the "facts have been established."

Mason Greenwood has not replied to the social media allegations.

The 20-year-old footballer, who made his debut for the club in March 2019, signed a four-year agreement in February 2021 after climbing through the levels of the United academy.