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Farhan Akhtar tells Fake Covid Remedy sellers and 'Monsters'.

Farhan Akhtar has referred to as out all those worried about 'manufacturing and promoting' fake covid-19 medication. He took to his Twitter to cope with the issue. Tweeting around it, he wrote: "seen a news file of people production & selling faux covid medication. You have to be a unique type of monster to con human beings in those darkish & determined instances. Shame on you, whoever you are!!!"

Responding to his tweet, a number of Twitter users narrated their studies amid the covid-19 crisis. One person wrote: "there may be also any other form of the monster at the prowl. The only selling drug treatments oxygen for more high-priced than gold. Sold 1 vial of Avastin for 1.2 lakhs and the rate on google shows 28000. It’s extraordinary what all can manifest."

 "you haven’t heard about the fee of plasma donation? Oppositely ambulances charging a bomb to take the frame to cremation? They may be anywhere… looking to make cash over useless our bodies."

Any other stated: "yep...People filling paracetamol injections in remdesivir vials...N Sellin fr 40k..They were caught these days." a comment study: "once the effect of this wave subsides, nation govts which take care of its humans must run an research against 1. Faux medicine makers 2. Black marketeers of o2, o2meter, oximeter, thermometer etc 3. Nariyal Pani inflated price and many others.".

Earlier than Farhan, actor R Madhavan had further exposed people worried about corrupt practices amid the covid-19 pandemic. Few days again, Madhavan had shared a tweet, in which he spoke of a person, walking a racket of remdesivir sale. Sharing it, Madhavan had written: "also acquired this .. Pls be conscious. We have such devils among us too."

Together with his put up, he had shared a note which examines, "fraud alert watch out human beings Mr. Ajay Agarwal is promoting remdesivir for rs. 3000/vial. He might ask you to imps money earlier in order that he can deliver you pan India in 3 hrs and then might not pick up. His touch quantity: +91 76040 27966 pls live alert of such frauds." at the bottom of the post changed into written, "that guy is a fraud."