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"Emerald and Olive" to Feature Mahir Sharma, Cezara Gureu & Zoey Kriegmont.

Mahir Sharma is making waves in the Indian film industry with his remarkable performances and compelling screen presence. He is known for his roles in “Forget Me Not”, “Bang! Aur Mael Gayab”, and “Truce”, Mahir has quickly become a name to watch in the cinematic world.

Early Life and Career Beginnings:

Mahir Sharma’s journey into acting started at a young age. With a natural flair for performing, he pursued his passion with determination. After honing his skills in various theatre productions, Mahir transitioned to the silver screen, where his talent began to shine.

Breakthrough Roles:

Mahir’s breakout role came with the film “Forget Me Not”, where his nuanced performance garnered critical acclaim. His ability to portray complex characters with depth and authenticity set him apart from his peers. Following this success, he starred in “Bang! Aur Mael Gayab”, a film that showcased his versatility and range as an actor.

Critical Acclaim and Popularity:

The film “Truce” further solidified Mahir’s reputation as a talented actor. His portrayal of a conflicted protagonist in this intense drama was powerful and moving. Critics praised his ability to bring emotional depth to his characters, making each performance memorable.

Zoey Kriegmont: An Alaskan-born actress, director, and model living in LA, California.

After graduating from California State University, Monterey Bay, with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, magna cum laude, Kriegmont began studying at The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in Los Angeles in 2022.

Kriegmont has premiered in several short films and independent features, including the award-winning horror short film ”Road 29” directed by Terri Dawn Arnold, “Emerald and Olive”, the debut short produced by Emigré Film, and her own multiple award-winning international art film and directorial debut “ZOI”.

In addition to acting, Kriegmont has worked as a professional model for seven years. She is widely known as a coveted artists’ model, posing for the works of esteemed artists such as Jeremy Lipking, Richard MacDonald, and Alex Kanevsky.

Cezara Gureu: Takes the Lead in Emerald & Olive

She began her acting journey at the prestigious Moscow Art Theatre (MAT) in Russia. After moving to the United States at the age of 18, she earned her BFA in Acting for Film. Cezara has showcased her versatility in film, TV, and theater, working both in Europe and the US. Her notable theater credits include performances in “The Darkest House On This End of the Street” by Sam LaFrance, “4.48 Psychosis” by Sarah Kane, which she also co-produced and co-directed, and “Laughing Wild.”

Cezara is an honorary member of the Apparat Theatre company in Moscow, where she contributed as an actor and assistant director from 2020 to 2022. Her screen credits span various projects, including the web series “Disadvantage” produced by Little Monster Pictures, the TV show “Dirty Talk,” and “Emerald and Olive,” the first film produced by Émigré Film, where she also served as an executive producer. This project, involving creatives from the US, Europe, and India, is already attracting significant industry interest and will be submitted to top film festivals.

Currently, Cezara is developing multiple film projects with Émigré Film and preparing a theatre project set to premiere in the Fall of 2024.

“Emerald and Olive” promises to be an exciting collaboration between these talented actors, bringing Mahir Sharma's strong cinematic presence and Zoey Kriegmont's diverse artistic talents.

Shelby Mayes

Shelby is a director, writer, and actress from Houston, TX. She studied at the Lee Strasberg Film and Theatre Institute from October 2022 to October 2023. She directed and starred in her first short film, 'Peachy,' in December 2022 and was chosen for the Lee Strasberg Production Lab in June 2023 for her script, 'Hippolyta,' which she wrote, directed, and starred in, in November 2023.