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Dr Jai Madan: A Spiritual counsellor on releaving stress in lockdown.

Dr. Jai Madan a lady who has established herself as one of the most eminent astrologer, numerologists, and a Vastu expert. Her spiritual journey has begun in the very early years of her childhood.

As she gained her natural interest in tarot reading and became a master of these skills along with face reading and hypnotherapy.

She took a time period of years and earned her reputation for the most comprehensive astrology predictions.

She is an expert in spiritual counselling, motivational speaker, and Vastu Shastra.


5 tips on “don’t stress in lockdown”

1. energize yourself every morning by a few minutes of meditation and keep your heart far from emergencies.

2. listen to positive and inspiring music and boost your brain.

3. take your palms and concentrate on them, it is auspicious to look at the palm as they hold your destiny.

4. feed your brain with the breakfast of positive ideas.

5. remove at least 5 to10 min in morning to regenerate yourself