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Afghanistan: Failed To Get Help To Other Country From His Afghan Counterpart.

Key Sentence:

  • Labor accused the foreign minister of endangering the translator's life after refusing to seek help for the evacuation from Afghanistan.
  • The Daily Mail claims Dominic Raab was personally advised to seek urgent support from his Afghan counterpart.

However, the was told the call was made by a junior minister.

A government spokesman said Raab was involved in another call and had been delegated to another minister. Earlier this week, newspapers reported that the foreign minister was seen relaxing on a beach on the Greek island of Crete on Sunday, the day Taliban fighters marched into Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.

Mr. Raab said that during his absence, he led his team and worked with international partners.

The letter has reported that a senior Foreign Office official told Raab on Friday that he should contact Afghan Foreign Minister Hanif Atmar for emergency assistance in rescuing an Afghan translator working for the British Army.

The newspaper claims officials said it was important that the call was made by him and not the younger minister - but they were told Raab was unavailable.

Shadow Home Secretary Nick Thomas Simmonds tweeted, "This is a breach of duty. The call fails to reveal the life of a brave translator after serving so bravely in our military. Very embarrassing." Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer accused Raab of "taking a vacation while our mission in Afghanistan collapses during the debate."

"You can't coordinate an international response from the coast," said Sir Cair. Afghan refugees moving to Glasgow fear "torture and beheading" by the Taliban for working as translators for the British Army On Wednesday evening, Raab said he spoke with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to discuss both sides' reactions to the situation in Afghanistan.

The Foreign Minister will later hold a meeting with the G7 foreign ministers.

Downing Street said Britain wanted its international partners to honor their commitment to supporting Afghanistan's most vulnerable population after pledging to accept up to 20,000 Afghan refugees over the next few years.

This plan complements an existing program for Afghan translators and others who have worked for the UK government - Afghanistan Relocation and Assistance Policy (ARAP). According to the Home Office, around 2,000 former Afghan officials and their families came to Britain via ARAP this year, with a target of 5,000 by the end of 2021.