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Zika Virus: More Dangerous than we thoughts.

The Zika virus and It's Potentially devastating consequences continue to spread in Brazil. There have been almost 1,200 confirmed cases of microcephaly where babies are born with abnormally small heads.
One of several neurological conditions associated with Zika as more is known about Zika specialist says the risk to expectant mothers who have had the virus could be even greater. Then was first thought mom or near via the expectation is that a woman who's had Zika have a 1% chance of having a baby with microcephaly.
If a scientist considers a range of other possible neurological conditions that figure rises to about 20%. There is an urgency to understand more about Zika and develop a Vaccine. They are using stem cell technology to create new cells that develop like human brains, they call them mini-brains and infect them with Zika.

Some of the most interesting and alarming work that's being done in laboratories on these so-called mini braids is proof of just how effective and destructive the Zika virus can be. Neuroscientist was shocked by what they discovered a huge reduction in the growth of the cerebral cortex, The critical outer layer of the brain. 
The effect of the Zika virus is a very impressive doctor was always tarnished by the first effect they saw cell death in reading three days and already massive cell death in six days numerous fears were completely gone. Zika infection and cases of microcephaly are spreading in southern states including Rio De Janeiro particularly among the poorest sectors of society.