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You have to create a Facebook account to use Messenger in your Phone from now onwards.

There is a news related to Facebook Messenger if you want to use messenger app then create a Facebook account.

From now onwards, you have to create a Facebook account to use this Facebook messenger, so if you are looking to chat with friends and family from the Messenger, then create a Facebook account today.
Facebook will make work simple for messenger user once they log in from a new Facebook account. 

It is only for new users who want to use Facebook messenger. So the users who are using Messenger with their mobile number want to face any issue.

Earlier in 2019, Facebook showed keen interest in integrating facebook WhatsApp and all which is under scanner as the USA feels it will affect the privacy of users.

Facebook to make work easier for the people by connecting WhatsApp and all together and give interoperability. So if you want to stay connected with friends and family, then create an account today. We feel it is an intelligent decision by the FB team to integrate all of Facebook apps.