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World Water Day 2022: History, Themes, and Meaning of the Day

It aims to focus on the importance of water and raise awareness for the more than 2 billion people who live without entrance to clean water.

Water is a distinctive part of everyone's life because it has tremendous and complex value in our household, food, culture, health, education, economy, and natural environment. However, due to improper consumption and pollution, billions of people cannot access clean water, putting their lives at risk.

On March 22 all year, World Water Day is a meaningful celebration that aims to bring the importance of water center stage and raise awareness for the more than 2 billion people who live without entrance to clean water. "We are talking about taking action to address the global water crisis. According to the United Nations, the main focus of World Water Day is to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6: Water also sanitation for all by 2030," the United Nations.

Every year, UN-Water sets a particular theme to mark the day. This year the motto of the day is "Groundwater, make the invisible visible."

"Groundwater is invisible, but its effects are visible everywhere. Out of sight, beneath our feet, also groundwater is a hidden treasure that enriches our lives. Almost all the liquid fresh water in the world is groundwater. As climate change progresses, groundwater becomes increasingly critical. We must work together to manage this valuable resource sustainably. Groundwater may not be visible, but it should not be lost from the mind," wrote, emphasizing the importance of groundwater.

This year, the day calls on everyone to protect groundwater from over-exploitation – more water being drawn than replenished by rain and snow – and from the pollution it causes. To survive and adapt to climate change and to meet the needs of a growing population, research, conservation, and sustainable use of groundwater will be critical, according to the United Nations.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged everyone to "save every drop of water." The Ministry of Railways stressed the importance of "prevention measures and targeted approaches to protect and conserve water resources."