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Who is Praggasree Bhikkhu who is so critical in the society?

Ven Praggasree Bhikkhu is a Buddhist Monk & scholar who chose the ascetic path in the hope of freedom from suffering.Bhikkhu was born in Mithapukur village of Rangpur district. Date of birth: March 6, 2000. His home name is Sajib Tirkey. Father's name is Manik Tirkey and mother's name is Vishwamani Panna.Bhikkhu passed HSC from Noapara Degree College and passed SSC from Raojan Aryamitra School.Award :Bhikkhu received Northern honors from Dhaka Merul Badda Vihar (2022 & 2023 ).He received the award from Bhikkhu Ratanananda.Personality :Everywhere she has developed good relations with everyone due to which he is popularly known as Praggasree Bhante.He presented himself in a very beautiful form among the Buddhist society.Besides, he has many well-known connections with monks from different countries.He also visited Buddha Gaya in India for the second time in November 2024.He also went to Paharpur Nalanda University, Bandarban District, Rangamati District, Cox's Bazar District to preach religion.