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Tick-Borne Virus: A New Infection Disease Spreading In China.

A new infectious disease produced by a tick-borne virus has killed seven people and infected 60 others in china. Official media is reported on Wednesday, warning about the possibility of its human-to-human transmission. 

More than 37 people in East China Jiangsu Province agreed with the SFTS virus in the first half of the year. Later,23 people were affirmed to have been affected in East China's Anhui Province. A woman from Nanjing, capital of the Jiangsu, who experienced the virus showed onset of symptoms such as fever, coughing.

Symptoms of tick-borne virus

Doctors found a decline of Leukocyte, a blood platelet under her body. After a month of treatment, the lady was discharged from the hospital. At least seven people have died in Anhui and East China's Zhejiang province due to the virus, the report said.

SFTS virus is not a new virus. China has secluded pathogen of the virus in 2011, and it relates to the Bunyaviirus category. Virologists believe that the infection may have been passed on to humans by ticks and that the virus can be transmitted in the middle of humans, it said.

Sheng Jifang, a doctor from the first affiliated hospital under Zhejiang University, said that the possibility of human-to-human transmission could not be excluded patients can pass the virus to others via blood or mucous. Doctors warned that tick bite is the major transmission route, as long as people remain cautious, there is no need to over confusion over such virus contagion.