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The world's oldest dress cloth, must see it!

The world's oldest woven garment, called the Tarkhan Dress found in the ancient Egyptian necropolis Tarkhan. Radiocarbon tests revealed that the dress was 5,500 years old. It is announced that lines dress is dated to 3482-3102 with 95% probability. Beautifully stitched and complexity and wealth of the ancient society that produced it.

The garment, known as the Tarkhan dress, is a find of surpassing rarity. Few pieces of early clothing, which was made from plant fibres or animal skins, escaped disintegration. Textiles recovered from archaeological sites are generally no older than 2,000 years.

A handful of garments of similar age have survived to the present day, but those were simply wrapped or draped around the body. The Tarkhan dress, on the other hand, is ancient haute couture. Which is tailored sleeves, V-neck, and narrow pleats, it would look perfectly at home in a modern department store.