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Sun Screen Pills: Astaxanthin an antioxidant.

There is a general distaste when it comes to the slimy feel that some sunscreens leave behind. It's also a nuisance to have to stop launching every so often to reapply a set layer of slime. But British researchers from King's  College in London may have stumbled upon a means of creating a sunscreen pill. 

While studying coral Dr. Paul long along with fellow researchers believed that algae living in the coral produce a compound with a purpose not too dissimilar from sunscreen. The team is looking to biosynthetic Li to develop the same compound to create a simple tablet or pill.

While current supplements promise sun protection. They are not recommended as replacements for sunscreen should the sunscreen pills. The light of day even the most sensitive skin type should be able to enjoy a day in the sun without the annoyance of water-resistant screens.