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Sports Event in Jersey Promotes Active and Healthy Lifestyles

A sports festival promoting an "active and healthy lifestyle" is set to take place in Jersey on Bank Holiday Monday. Organized by "Sport for All," the event will be hosted by former England Roses captain Serena Guthrie and will offer over 20 different sports and wellness activities for participants of all ages.

A Diverse Range of Activities for Everyone

The festival will feature a variety of demonstrations and sessions led by coaches and representatives from several sports, including football, netball, pétanque, and padel. The event aims to provide something for everyone, ensuring an inclusive experience for all attendees. Food and drink stalls will also be available to complement the active and engaging environment.

Serena Guthrie, who is spearheading the event, expressed her enthusiasm for the initiative: "We are really excited to see our vision come to life." She highlighted the importance of creating a "safe and inclusive environment" where anyone interested can participate in sports and experience the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Opportunities for Families and Young Children

In addition to sports activities for all ages, Jersey Sport will be hosting a toddler play area where parents and carers can engage in physical activities with their babies and children up to the age of three. This feature ensures that even the youngest community members and their families can participate and enjoy the day.

Guthrie emphasized the unique setting that Jersey offers for such events: "As an island, we are lucky to have so many incredible opportunities out there. We're just bringing as many of them as we can together, in one place, for everyone to try out."

Event Details

The "Sport for All" festival will take place on Monday at Granville School, running from 10:00 BST to 17:00. The organizers encourage the community to come together to explore the wide range of activities on offer and experience the joys of a more active and healthy lifestyle.

The event promises to be a day full of fun, fitness, and wellness for all attendees, reinforcing the importance of physical activity and community engagement in promoting overall well-being.