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Sleep Is Important For Human Life.

We tend to think of sleep time when the mind and body shut down so we can rest in the reality sleep is a very active period during which important rest or two processes take place. We need about seven to nine hours to recover properly some people need more while a lucky few can get by with less. 

We sleep in the cycle and each cycle lasts about 90 minutes as you start drifting off you enter non REM sleep which accounts for about 75% of every sleep cycle non REM sleep includes 20 to 40 minutes of deep sleep. This is when organs are repaired and hormones are released. 

if you don't get enough sleep your internal organs don't function properly moreover sleep deprivation makes you feel grumpy throughout the day. Your body's feel-good hormones your serotonin and dopamine levels aren't where they should be a deep sleep.

Deep sleep is also when it's most difficult for us to wake up if your alarm rings when you are in the centre of this important restorative stage. It can leave you feeling groggy and tired REM or rapid eye movement sleep accounts for about 25% every sleep cycle.

People often have intensely vivid dreams during REM sleep but its primary functions are to restore. The nervous system and consolidate memory this is why naps are so useful. They reboot the brain hundreds of studies have established that not getting enough sleep impairs cognitive performance including attention working memory and decision-making abilities.