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Sharks are older than the trees in the world.

Sharks have existed for more than 450 million years, whereas the earliest tree, lived around 350 million years ago. Not only are sharks older than trees, but they are also one of the only animals to have survived four of the five mass extinction.
Sharks have been around a long, long time. Today's sharks are descended from relatives that swarm alongside dinosaurs in prehistoric times. The largest zoology of all time was a shark called a Megalodon. It lived just after the dinosaurs, 23 million years ago, and only went extinct 2.6 million years ago.

The earliest fossil evidence for sharks or their ancestors is a few scales dating to 450 million years ago, during the Late Ordovician Period. The most comprehensive studies ever compiled on shark killing brings new startling of statistics. Around 100 million sharks are killed every year.