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Scientists Found A Strain Of Plastic Eating Bacteria.

Scientists found a strain of bacteria, the first of its kind, that can degrade the harmful aggregates in polyurethane products! A positive step towards less the amount of plastic pollution in the environment.

Starting from the 1950s, estimates say, we produced 9 billion tons of plastic and no more than 10% of it is recycled! We are pushing the environment to the threshold. 

But there is hope, Researchers from the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research- UFZ has discovered a bacterium that shows potential for recycling polyurethane plastics, which are typically difficult to recycle. The bacterium is a species of Pseudomonas, and it was discovered in a waste site.

The researchers discovered that it is capable of not only breaking down polyurethane plastic but using the plastic as a source of food. But the project is still premature.

With more research, the gene responsible for the encoding of the special enzymes in this bacteria can be identified. Once it is successful, more efficient strains of bacteria could be developed.