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Running damages don't happen for the reasons you think.

While it requires little experience or equipment - and can be very beneficial to our health - it also comes with a relatively high risk of injury. One study found that nearly half of all runners experience hurt or pain. Another study even estimates that runners experience about 18 injuries for every 1,000 hours of running.

Beginners are most likely to get injured. The most injuries they experience are in the lower body (such as the Achilles tendon, shinbone, or knee) and are often the result of overuse injuries that occur to a muscle or occur from repetitive trauma, usually as a result of you doing more. Then you can, or you're not exercising with the proper technique.

As long as you ignore some old-fashioned ideas about the best way to do it. For example, running (2) There is little evidence that shoes based on foot position reduce injury.

The belief that shoes are an essential factor in whether a person is injured or not can also be wrong. While comfortable, well-fitting shoes are essential for preventing minor problems such as chafing and improving running performance; there is little evidence that shoes alone reduce the risk of injury. There is also little evidence that shoes based on foot position minimize damage.