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Romina has been given a key role in the new government, including leading the party's youth wing.

Romina Pormotori, a 26-year-old leader, has been appointed climate minister in Sweden's new coalition government. There is much talk of Romina being given an important ministry like environment. On the other hand, Greta Thunberg, who raised her voice against climate change, is also a citizen of Sweden.

New Prime Minister Ulf Kistersson announced the cabinet nominations on Tuesday. A right-wing coalition won Sweden's recent elections. Romina was earlier the chief of the party's youth wing.

Member of the Liberal Party

• According to Swedish media, Romina joined the youth wing of the Liberal Party several years ago, but did not sit well with some of the people being made climate minister in the new government, as Romina had never worked on the issue. Not only that, there is no mention of climate related issues in their personal and professional profiles.

• Apart from this, another interesting thing is that Romina has criticized Prime Minister Christerson many times. The Prime Minister belongs to the Sweden Democrats party. He had opposed the alliance with the Democrats party some time ago.

• Two years ago, Romina wrote on social media – The Democrat Party can run without Kisterson, but if he joins the party, we should stay away from the coalition.

Romina is of Iranian origin

Before this, there was a young minister in Sweden, whose age was less than 30 years.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg is also from Sweden. He raised this issue before world leaders by mobilizing millions of youth against climate change.

Crime rate is highest

Following the formation of a coalition government in Sweden on Friday, Prime Minister Kristiansand also announced an agreement with allies. He promised to get tough on immigration. Along with this, he also talked about stopping crime.
A new post has been approved for the first time in Sweden's history. 

According to the Prime Minister, crime rate has increased due to immigrants in the country. Ministry of Civil Defense has been created for this purpose. However, one of the reasons is the ongoing tension with Russia.