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Rita Moreno Talks About Abortion Aborted Before Rowe W. Wade: I Could Die

On Friday, the Supreme Court ruled in the landmark case of Roe v. Repeal Wade and abolished the constitutional right to abortion.

Rita Moreno tells her own story about abortion and her fear of those forced to have dangerous abortions after Roe rejected Wade.

The Supreme Court overturned a landmark case in Friday's 6-3 decision, abolishing the constitutional right to abortion.

Following the decision, Moreno, 90, opened up about his experience of having an abortion after learning he was pregnant with his girlfriend, Marlon Brando.

The West Side Story actress got pregnant before the woman in Roe v. Wade in 1973; he told Variety on Friday.

Brando told her to have an abortion and "find a doctor through friends," he said at the exit. "He's a real doctor - Marlon paid him $500 - not like something on the street." However, when she got home, she started bleeding and later found the abortion incomplete.

"Marlon took me to the hospital. I was told I had an 'interrupted pregnancy,'" Moreno recalled. "The doctors did nothing but make me bleed. In other words, don't do it right. I didn't know it then, but I could have died so messed up. What a terrible mess. "

She remembers being "excited" when Roe v. Wade first introduced abortion was legalized but now says he is "stressed out" by the Supreme Court's decision. "Hillary Clinton warned everyone about this," the star told the publication. "I wasn't surprised I saw it, but I was stunned."

Moreno continued: "I think of young girls. Extreme girls get pregnant due to rape or incest. Dishonesty isn't a strong enough word, but it's unfair.