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Risks of chronic diseases gets decreased by consuming more dairy products & milk, says a study.

Milk has a ton of benefits for our bodies & maintaining a good health. It does good not only to kids but also to elderly people & youngsters. A study tells us how dairy products & milk help in the prevention of chronic diseases. Risks of sarcopenia & frailty also get reduced for older population with everyday intake of milk & dairy products.

Birth weight, length & bone mineral content during childhood is directly associated with moderate consumption of milk during pregnancy.

'Advances in Nutrition', a study in this journal reviewed that chronic diseases like colon or bladder cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular &  metabolic syndrome gets prevented with the intake of milk or dairy products.  It also helps in generation of muscle mass, growth, and bone mineral density, also during pregnancy & breastfeeding. More consumption of milk & dairy foods lowers the risk of vertebral fracture as well. It also lowers the risk of metabolic syndrome with less consumption of low-fat dairy products. Risk of cardiovascular disease also gets decreased & has a slight protective effect. Associations with prostate cancer was not found whereas, risks of bladder & colorectal cancer can also get lowered with moderate intake of dairy foods & milk.

On the other side, the study also revealed that dairy products & low-fat yogurt is connected with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

Nutritional values of Vitamin A, B12, calcium, magnesium, proteins, riboflavin, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium & pantothenic acid gets doubled with dairy products or milk.

For improving cardiometabolic risk biomarkers, fortification of dairy products with phytosterols and omega-3 fatty acids is an efficient strategy.

Risks of coronary diseases like heart attack can be lowered with dairy consumption. There is also no sign of inflammatory effect on conditions of obesity or overweight with the consumption of this food group.