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Renewed Questions About Biden's Age Following Debate Missteps

President Joe Biden’s recent debate performance has sparked renewed concerns about his age and ability to lead. During the debate, Biden appeared to struggle with articulating his points clearly and maintaining focus, leading to widespread scrutiny. 

Critics argue that his age, 81, might be impacting his cognitive abilities, raising questions about his fitness for a second term.

Supporters counter that Biden's extensive experience and policy knowledge outweigh occasional lapses, emphasizing his accomplishments in office. 

However, the debate has intensified discussions about whether younger leadership is needed to address the nation's challenges.

This performance has prompted both the media and public to re-examine the implications of having an older president. As Biden prepares for the 2024 election, his team must address these concerns to reassure voters of his capability to serve effectively. 

The debate has underscored the broader issue of age in politics, highlighting the need for a balance between experience and vitality in leadership roles.