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Ready for talks with Ukraine over claims of drone supplies to Russia: Iran

• We have taken weapons from Russia, but not during the Ukraine war

Digital Desk, Tehran. Rejecting Russia's claims of using Iranian drones against Ukraine, Iran's Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdullahian has expressed Tehran's willingness to hold talks with Kyiv on such allegations. Amir-Abdullahian made the remarks at a joint press conference with his Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Meki in Tehran, Xinhua news agency reported.

"We reject the baseless claims of some countries on the use of Iranian drones by Russia in the war against Ukraine," he said. We invite Ukrainian officials to participate in the bilateral meeting of experts. Reiterating Tehran's opposition to the ongoing conflict, he said Iran's principled policy is to oppose arms to one of the parties involved in the conflict in Ukraine.

Western countries such as Ukraine and the US have in recent weeks accused Tehran of exporting suicide drones to Moscow for use in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Referring to the cooperation between Iran and Russia in various fields, including defence, Amir-Abdullahian said on Monday, "In the past, we have taken arms from Russia and also gave it weapons but not during the Ukraine war."