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Questioning is the first step towards reality

Questioning Power:

Starting questioning to yourself, situation or to any person from which you are receiving any kind of information in any aspect of forms. which you are totally unknown, unaware or having doubt is the first step of beginning towards the clarity  But we normally don't put a question mark at any point of the stage of information which we have received from any source, whether it's believable or not isn't it? 

We the human being came on this earth with a great mind power of thinking, understanding the power of the situation, feeling of different emotions. Everything we have in our-self but have we ever used it? The answer is No.. We the human-being got a bad habit of believing everything which we have heard, listened by any person or any platform or being seen on any social platform. Are we always having a habit of believing and judging without knowing the facts isn't it so? 

Have we ever asked the question, have we ever got a doubt, have we ever understood the reason or meaning every time we receive any information from anything to anybody ? Of-course No.. IT's itself a bigger question isn't it so? Have we ever put a doubt before believing it? Of-course No.. That's why we become and treated as audience and a purchaser to whom anybody can say and sell anything they want as we are having no time, the power to think, doubt and understood the reality isn't it so?

Question The Information Received:

See when you believe anything blindly from anyone anywhere on any platform you will be used and treated as audience until you raise a question and try to find out the reality. Once you started questioning the information you are receiving from anything to anybody now you are no more audience, Now you are a PURE  LEARNER TOWARD THE FACTS... Because once you ask a question you started going into the roots of the reality for the information you have received from a variety of sources.


Moral of the blog is that start using a question as a weapon of getting into the roots of reality. So Start Questioning From Today And Be A Learner And Not An Audience.