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Over 20 Passengers on Turbulent Singapore Airlines Flight Sustain Spinal Injuries.

Following severe turbulence on a Singapore Airlines flight, more than 20 individuals are in intensive care with spinal, brain, and skull injuries, as reported by a Bangkok hospital. 

Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital in the Thai capital is currently treating 22 patients for spine and spinal cord issues, six for skull and brain injuries, and another 13 for bone, muscle, or soft tissue complaints, according to its director Adinun Kittiratanapaibool. 

The doctor mentioned that 17 patients underwent surgery, ranging from stitches to spinal operations, and unfortunately, one person succumbed to the incident.

Passengers recounted the chaos onboard after the plane made an emergency landing in Bangkok, describing how some were thrown around the cabin, with heads colliding into overhead baggage cabins, and witnessing others in shock with bloody facial wounds.

Josh Silverstone, a 24-year-old British citizen who was on the flight, expressed gratitude for being alive as he left the hospital on Wednesday evening. Despite suffering a cut on his eye and a chipped tooth, Silverstone acknowledged that many passengers were in worse physical condition.

 He recounted feeling nauseous after the emergency landing, prompting him to seek medical attention.