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Norovirus: A Contaminated Virus That Causes Diarrhoea And Vomiting.

Some people call norovirus " the stomach bug". The virus infects your intestines or stomach. It causes diarrhoea, stomach cramps or vomiting millions of people get sick with norovirus thousands end up in the hospital, and every year. Norovirus can make you too much sick for a someday.

while you are sick, and even after symptoms go away you can spread norovirus to other people. Norovirus spreads too fast, you can get infected with norovirus if you get poop or vomit on your hands then put your finger in your mouth.

This can occur if you shake hands with a person with norovirus, take care of them when they are sick, or handle their soiled laundry. Norovirus can also stay on surfaces and things. If you touch something so that has norovirus on it, and you can get sick. Other ways you can get norovirus are drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food.