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Night Loving Mouse: Long-Eared Jerboa mouse Family Of The Dipodidae.

Binomial nomenclature
  • Euchoreutes naso
  • Sclater, 1891

Scientific classification
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Dipodidae
  • Subfamily: Euchoreutinae
  • Species: E. naso

The long-eared jerboa is a night-loving mouse-like rodent with a long tail, exceptionally large ears, and long hind legs for jumping. It is distinct enough that authorities recognize it to be the only member of both its genus, Euchoreutes, and subfamily Euchoreutinae.

Long-eared jerboas are found in the Palerctic ecozone. The specific Palearctic ecozone sections they are found in our southernmost Mongolia to the Takla-Makan Desert, Aerijin Mountain, Mengxin, and Qing-Zang Plateau regions of northwestern China. 

The long-eared jerboas in most cases are nocturnal, the long-eared jerboa's fur according to the book 100 animals to view before they die "is eddish yellow to pale russet with white underparts." There is a long-eared jerboa coin. Very little is known about the species. The long-eared jerboa was discovered as one of the top-10 focal species in 2007 by the evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered project.