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New Regulator Aims to Improve Accountability in the Entertainment Industry

The newly established Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority (Ciisa) is set to launch next year, aiming to provide a safe, confidential reporting channel for workers across film, TV, music, and theater. With notable support from figures like Keira Knightley and Cara Delevingne, Ciisa is envisioned as a remedy to long-standing issues of abuse, harassment, and power imbalances in entertainment. 

The organization's founder, Dame Heather Rabbatts, and interim chief executive Jen Smith emphasize its potential to offer independent guidance for victims while setting standards of acceptable behavior.

Challenges of Implementing Change

The entertainment sector has long suffered from systemic misconduct. A recent Bectu survey found that 92% of creative workers reported witnessing or experiencing bullying or harassment, and a fifth reported serious sexual assault at work. Compounding this issue, the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee described the music industry as a "boys' club" rife with exploitation.

While Ciisa’s creation is a promising step, it faces limitations due to its voluntary nature—it won’t have the authority to impose legal or financial penalties. Instead, Ciisa will focus on recommending actions and offering mediation services. Alexa Morden, host of The 98% podcast, believes that while Ciisa’s formation is essential, it must overcome a deeply embedded culture of fear and resistance from influential industry figures.

Leadership and Future Directions

Baroness Helena Kennedy KC, a leading lawyer, has been appointed as chair to lead the authority. Ciisa plans to carefully establish standards for behavior and prepare for the potentially high volume of cases when it begins operations. According to Smith, meticulous planning is underway to ensure the authority is equipped to handle the demands of the role.

Ciisa may not provide a definitive solution, but it marks a significant step in holding the industry accountable and providing necessary support to vulnerable workers. Whether Ciisa can drive the cultural and operational changes needed remains to be seen, but its founders are optimistic about its role in setting higher standards for behavior in the entertainment world