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Necrotic Tissue: Baby died causing infection.

The couple, after 12 in vitro fertilization, finally manages to have a baby. A lotus birth, in which the placenta is connected by the umbilical cord to the baby until it falls off on its own. Dead, necrotic tissue with a high risk of causing the infection is intentionally attached to the baby. 
This happens in the first world, with the collusion of doctors. The mother also refused to give the baby a dose of Vitamin K and the Hepatitis B vaccine. Again, with the complicity of health professionals. The conclusion is the baby died of an infection. Parents are not doctors. 

Doctors should keep the child's best interest in mind, regardless of the parent's hallucination. This is an involuntary homicide with the connivance of health professionals. Even animal has the instinct to cut the umbilical cord with their teeth. Not even with nature did they learn this basic health act. In this case, the 'natural' did not do.