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Mucus Are Natural Safely Responses To The Corrosive Nature Of Over-Acidity.

Overly active mucus production suffocates the cell's ability to intake excrete waste and, nutrients, slow lymph movement, works in tandem with chronic infection, creates an ideal parasitic environment, overall impedes the natural internal movement that is vital for overall homeostasis.

In general, the most alkaline ash-producing foods are yours; fresh ripe fruits, tender leafy greens, herbs, sprouts, and some seeds and nuts. In general, the most acid ash forming meals are yours; processed foods, meat, dairy, refined sugar, eggs, refined flour synthetic chemicals and preservatives, carbonated drinks, coffee and, GMOs/Seedless fruits.

The extra you create your lifestyle around the alkaline side of chemistry the less energy and resources are required to constantly keep down the flames of acid ash and thus bigger energy available to generally heal and regenerate. The body heals itself below natural homeostatic states. 

The slight alkaline states of the body's blood are the most harmonious compass to guide our overall choice of foods it comes to alkalinity and acidity. No undertaking what you eat your blood pH maintains the same tight range of 7.35-7.45. Eat a cheeseburger and fry or a juice, and salad blood pH stays almost the same.

That has zero to do with debunking alkalinity. The stress of keeping homeostasis is what implies. The resources and energy sapped from the body to counter chronic acidity is what inhibits natural healing and opens the opportunity for disease and imbalance.