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Mermaid Syndrome: Sirenomelia A Rare Congenital Disorder.

Sirenomelia, also known as mermaid syndrome. Sirenomelia is an extremely rare congenital developmental complication characterized by anomalies of the lower spine and the weaker limbs. Afflicted infants are born with partial or complete fusion of the legs. The additional malformation may also occur including genitourinary abnormalities, gastrointestinal abnormalities, anomalies of the lumbosacral spine and pelvis and underdevelopment, or absence of one or both kidneys. 

Afflicted infants may have one foot, no feet, or both feet, which may be rotated externally. The tailbone is usually removed and the sacrum is partially or completely absent as well. Additional conditions may occur with sirenomelia including the imperforate anus, spina bifida, and heart malformations.

Sirenomelia is unknown, largest cases occur randomly for no obvious reason. Fortunately, these cases can be diagnosed via ultrasound as early as the first trimester of pregnancy. Surgery has been successful in separating jointed legs, requiring the coordinated efforts of a team of specialists such as paediatricians, cardiologists, surgeons, orthopedists, and kidney specialists.

Surgery has been successful in separating jointed legs, claiming the coordinated efforts of a team of specialists such as paediatricians, surgeons, orthopedists, cardiologists, and kidney specialists.

In preparation for surgery, balloon-like tissue expanders are inserted below the skin. When they are stretched with a salt solution over a duration of time, the balloons increase making the skin stretch and grow. The excess skin is then used to treat the legs once they are separated.