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Mehndi will not take money for henna from Katrina Kaif

  • From Sojat, Katrina will be given a wedding mehndi as a charm.

Mehndi will be sent free of cost from Sojat in Pali, Rajasthan, for Katrina and Vicky's wedding. Katrina has been given a wedding gift from the people of Sojat. Sojat's mehndi trader said that whether it costs 50 thousand or one lakh rupees. They will not take a single rupee for mehndi. He has told the event company that he needs to tell Katrina that the people of Sojat have specially prepared henna for her wedding and given it as a gift.

Nitesh Agarwal of Natural Herbal said that the sample given for mehndi at Katrina's wedding had been passed. He passed this information on to his wife Kalpana Agarwal and others at home. Hearing this, wife Kalpana said that what if we give mehndi as a gift to Katrina? Katrina will have a good feeling for Sojat's Mehndi and Sojat's people. Sojat's brand value will also increase. Nitesh liked this and immediately called the event company official and asked him to place an order, but they would not charge a single rupee for Mehndi. Just tell Katrina that this mehndi has been sent from Sojat to Shukan.

How much did you order?

Katrina and Vicky's wedding will be at Hotel Six Sense Barwada Fort in Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan. Nitesh Agarwal's company Natural Herbal has received 20 kg of henna powder and 400 henna cones. The first sample was sent on October 25th, and the second sample on November 10th. The order is to be sent to the event company Jupiter by December 1st. After receiving the order, the trader has prepared a team of artisans for the wedding mehndi. This team will work on quality control.

Source from Divyabhashkar