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Medical Robots : Incredibly Exciting Miracle of Medical Sciences 

In the medical sciences during the early 1980s new concept of medical robotics was introduced and applied firstly in the field of urology. Worldwide different range of robots is being developed to serve in a variety of roles within the medical environment and can be utilised for minimally invasive surgeries, especially for neurologic, orthopaedic, and laparoscopic procedures in the operation theatres.

Advancements in medical technology are creating a world where robots may play a bigger part in healing the sick than doctors. For human treatment, specialised robots include surgical robots and rehabilitation robots. The field of assistive and therapeutic robotic devices is also expanding rapidly. 

Imagine how a machine that doesn’t need sleep or food, doesn’t have any prejudices like us the humans so often have could change the way we treat people who are sick and vulnerable. 

Medical robotics is a stimulating and modern field in medical science that involves numerous operations and extensive use of telepresence. Telemedicine comprises the use of robotics by physicians for the observation and treatment of patients without being actually in the physical presence of the patient. It can be carried out through a distant place.

The purpose of utilising medical robotics is the provision of enhanced diagnostic capabilities, increased patient comfort, and less hazardous and more meticulous interventions. While there are concerns for machines replacing people in the workforce, the benefits are numerous and worth replacing the old treatment pattern.

Technological development is leading to an “incredibly exciting” future for medical robots, utilising in the discipline of medicine to execute operations that are normally performed manually by human beings. Though medical robotics may still be in its infancy stage, the use of medical robots for numerous operations may increase the quality of medical treatment and ultimately benefits the patients.

In the near future, robotic-assisted surgery will continue to embrace and integrate advancements in a number of key areas of medical sciences. Such technologies include enhanced imaging, intelligent systems, less-invasive approaches, data analytics, and training and optimised learning.