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May I know, who are you? Now Rahul is asking to introduce Mahatma Gandhi...

New Delhi: Congress party's troubles have not ended after Jyotiraditya Scindia's resignation. Former party president Rahul Gandhi and his party are yet to be attacked. The condition of the Congress is that Mahatma Gandhi is also being asked to introduce him...

Filmmaker Pankaj Shankar, a former associate of Rahul Gandhi, is going to look something similar in his new film. Actually, a film is going to be released soon, in which it is shown that even the former president of the party does not have time for 'Mahatma Gandhi' despite getting an appointment.

Gandhi is waiting for meeting Rahul...
IANS has a teaser of the film which shows 'Mahatma' waiting outside his office to meet the former Congress president, but he can't meet, because the office people say he's busy. 

According to the teaser, Rahul Gandhi is seen riding a bike somewhere and people in his office do not even recognize Mahatma Gandhi and ask for his identity.

The ground reality of Rahul's office:

Pankaj Shankar said, "In the film, Mahatma Gandhi represents party workers, sympathizers and leaders who were consistently ignored by the party's leader." Shankar continued, "The ground reality of Rahul Gandhi's office is depicted in the film through his personal assistant, who fails to recognize Mahatma Gandhi."

The name of the film 'Love You Pappu'

Filmmaker Pankaj Shankar has been a former associate of Rahul Gandhi, who has been holding the media division since the time Rahul entered politics. He is a popular figure in the political arena. Pankaj Shankar has also worked as a filmmaker and documentary producer. 

He said that more about the film could not be disclosed at this time, but the name of the film could be 'Love You Pappu'. He said that this is the pain of every Congress worker because Rahul Gandhi and his office have taken a very neglectful attitude towards him.

Also, read Scindia delayed joining BJP due to Rahu era!

Today's Congress is not that Congress...

The film comes at a time when Jyotiraditya Scindia, a close friend of Rahul Gandhi, resigned after accusing the party that 'today's Congress is not the Congress it used to be'. 

He also accused the Congress that "he had a dream after the Congress government was formed in Madhya Pradesh in the year 2018. Even after 18 months, no promise was fulfilled, one of which also related to farmers."

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