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Maternity Ward to Test Innovative Cataract Technology

A groundbreaking device designed to diagnose cataracts in newborns is currently being trialed at a maternity unit in Dorset. The Neocam, a handheld camera, is being tested by pediatric staff at Poole Hospital.

According to the NHS, approximately one in 3,000 babies are affected by cataracts, which is characterized by cloudiness in the lens of the eye. The Neocam is anticipated to provide greater accuracy than the existing diagnostic method, which relies on a medical eye torch called an ophthalmoscope.

Led by University Hospitals Dorset (UHD), the study will run for a year and aims to assess around 1,200 babies. Nina Vanner, a pediatric research nurse at Poole Hospital, explained that the camera captures images of infants’ eyes using both infrared and green light. "Previous small-scale studies have shown that this photo screening technique can simplify the detection of childhood cataracts," she noted.

If the trial proves successful, it could facilitate quicker diagnosis, referral, and surgery when necessary. All babies born in the UK undergo cataract screening twice, yet late diagnosis remains a concern, leading to preventable visual impairment in some children, Ms. Vanner added.