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Lottery-Funded Nature Projects Revitalize Urban Wildlife in Bristol

The Avon Wildlife Trust, benefiting from a share of £5 million in National Lottery funding, has spearheaded transformative projects across inner-city Bristol. Through its Nextdoor Nature programme, the charity collaborated with local groups in Redcliffe, St George, Easton, and Barton Hill, fostering biodiversity and community engagement.

Highlights of the Green Projects

Impact and Legacy

Julie Doherty, Head of Communities and Engagement at Avon Wildlife Trust, emphasized the programme's lasting influence:

“When communities are supported to make a difference for nature, creative things happen. These changes form part of a sustainable legacy.”

With over 1,600 projects across the UK, the initiative highlights how grassroots efforts can create meaningful environmental impact while strengthening community bonds.

Looking Ahead

The success of these projects inspires further community-driven conservation efforts, proving that small actions can lead to significant change for urban wildlife and green spaces.