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Lesser known features of WhatsApp that people should know.

WhatsApp is one such messaging platform that most of us use & rightly so because it has been the only social platform that has been at the forefront of the tech world for many years now. It is also one of the most used apps with 1.5 billion subscribers & still counting & hence very popular. But, even after people using it for many years, there are a few features that they might not be aware of. And, since we use the app the most & are also quite dependent on it for any kind of communications in our daily lives whether through routine messaging, voice calls or video calls, it is imperative for us to know some lesser-known but important features of the platform.

WhatsApp is one of those social platforms that have been consistent enough in adding a band of new features always. And, this makes it essential for users to know these hidden features of the app to enhance their experience using WhatsApp & make use of it more securely.

Below are the few best hacks that you must use on WhatsApp for a more exciting experience.

WhatsApp is also getting geared up to roll out other new features like Delete Messages & the Dark Mode feature. However, the official announcement to release these features is yet to be made by them.