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Kim Kardashian's new skincare and aging line: 'I'm so much happier with my skin'

"I wanted it to be as authentic as possible," said Kim Kardashian of her new skincare line, SKIN.

"There's nothing I can replace to return to being who I used to be," the 41-year-old mother told news exclusively. "The wisdom I have now doesn't matter how young I am. I'm much happier in my skin now."

This is partly due to the meticulous routine that Kardashian follows when it comes to taking care of herself. The reality star conglomerate, whose new skincare line SKKN is out now, says his inspiration for the line was the exact process he uses at home. "I wanted it to be as authentic as possible," Kardashian told SKKN, consisting of nine products, including an oil scrub and drops. "It's scarce that I don't stick to it because if you want results, you have to put in the effort. Of course, there are times when I'm tired, especially as a mother, but I've managed to prioritize it. And it doesn't take as long as you think!"

And when it comes to growing the line, Kardashian - who has been dating Pete Davidson since October - has received a lot of feedback from friends and family, including her 9-year-old daughter, North.

"North loves serums and oils, and I let him play with all that," she says. "And I've tried it on my mother, grandmother, and friends. There's no age limit." The founders of SKIMS also recognized the importance of taking time for yourself, no matter how challenging it may be.

"I rarely go into my room, lock the door and say, 'I need 20 minutes,'" said Kardashian, who shares St. 6, Chicago, four, and Psalm 3 with former Kanye West.

"There's always someone who needs me. Even when they massage me, the kids try to jump on the table," he added. "I try to create a moment for myself in the morning before everyone wakes up. But there is beauty in chaos!"

To learn more about Kim Kardashian's new skincare range and how she's catching up with her age, visit the booth all Friday at the latest issue of news.