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Justin Bieber compliments his wife Haley for Rhode Beauty's presentation

The singer celebrates his wife's new skincare line with a sweet post on Instagram.

Singer Peach, 28, shared a sweet post with his followers on Instagram on Wednesday, praising his wife Hailey Baldwin Bieber's recently launched skincare line, Rhode.

"I'm so proud of you, baby," Justin wrote below a series of photos of his wife's new campaign. "No one knows how many hours of care and passion you put into building a skincare brand that truly serves people." In his holiday post, Justin expresses his pride in his wife's new line—and shares that he uses the product himself. : "The most beautiful thing about you is your concern for protecting people with good ingredients that help their skin develop like you made mine and mine." The title includes an ode to his wife's accessibility ideology: "So many people will be beautiful with dewy skin because of your desire to give them access to the best!"

Justin couldn't be more captivating in his compliments to Hailey, ending his sweet post: "PRIDE IS AN UNDERAGE, MY BEAUTIFUL GIRL!" LOVE YOU VERY."

The debut drop includes three products - Peptide Glazing Fluid, Barrier Repair Cream, and Peptide Lip Therapy - each available for under $30.

"It was essential to me that everyone was invited when I opened the world to Road. All included. I want it to be accessible and accessible to everyone," said Hailey, 25, in an exclusive interview with news last June, one of their top goals for their line.

Hailey continued, "I can't believe people want to see what I do and be inspired by it. I'm so grateful for that. I think it's great. And I feel like I'm right there with them."