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International Yoga Day 2022: How Yoga Can Help Manage Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD is a severe mental illness, usually caused by unusual human accidents, such as accidents. B. fatal accidents, wars, sexual violence, or natural disturbances. Dr. Rajiv Rajesh, director-general of Yoga at the Jindal Naturecure Institute, says it can cause "extreme anxiety, nightmares, and flashbacks."

The expert emphasized that "most patients with post-traumatic stress disorder continue to experience some symptoms even after counseling and treatment because these treatments force people to reconsider their painful memories."

Therefore, he says Yoga can help manage PTSD effectively "by regaining control of the nervous system through various exercises." Dr. Rajesh says, "Yoga combines different postures, breathing, and meditation. Studies show that Yoga reduces physiological arousal and improves body awareness and bodily regulation, especially in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder.

PTSD is characterized by difficulty expressing positive emotions such as love and gratitude, as well as persistent feelings of shame, guilt, anger, or fear. "Yoga trains the mind and body and also helps create a sense of peace and calm that allows people affected by post-traumatic stress disorder to find support and comfort," he says, explaining the effects of Yoga on post-traumatic stress disorder patients.

Experts add that Yoga works physically, emotionally, and psychologically to help people deal with trauma. "When disturbing memories arise, Yoga allows patients with post-traumatic stress disorder to regain their physiological baseline quickly. In addition, daily practice of Yoga is believed to be able to develop the autonomic nervous system so that it adapts dynamically, and mindfulness meditation, which is also a component of Yoga, is believed to influence brain function for the better.