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India outdoes the US & become the number 2 smartphone market in the world.

Indian recorded more than 155 million shipments in 2019 with the continuous growth of 7 per cent.

Xiaomi continued to drive the market for the second consecutive year with more than 25per cent market share. 

India has outdone the US and becomes the second-largest smartphone market in the world, according to the latest reports. India, as we all know, become the centre of technology worldwide with most of the gadgets, apps figures are coming higher from India. It shows the power of India.

The country recorded more than 155 million purchases in 2019 with 7 per cent constant growth, associated with Chinese brands introducing smartphones.

The joined share of the best smartphone brands entered the highest ever level at around 85 per cent. Xiaomi is again leading the market for the second consecutive year with 30 per cent market share. Samsung achieved second place with a 20 to 22 per cent share.

The fastest-growing brands included Vivo at 16 to 18 per cent which recorded 75 per cent increase, Realme at 10 to 12 per cent which recorded 260 per cent increase and Oppo at 10 per cent which recorded nearly 30 per cent increase.