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In Gujarat, crematoriums were loaded with the dead. Covid-19 is on the increase.

In Gujarat, crematoriums were loaded with the dead. Covid-19 is on the increase.
SURAT/AHMEDABAD: All crematorium pyres in Gujarat's four major cities — Surat, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, and Rajkot — are constantly burning, with more bodies getting in line for their turn.
49 Covid deaths were recorded across Gujarat on Saturday, reaching the total of Covid deaths to 4,746.
On May 5, 2020, when the first wave was at its maximum, 49 people were killed in Covid in a single day.
Before the pandemic, the Ramnath Ghela Crematorium (RGC) in Umra and the Kurukshetra Crematorium (KC) in Jahangirpura in Surat used to receive 20 bodies each day on average.
However, they have been getting about 80 bodies for the past two weeks. The Ashwini Kumar Crematorium (AKC), Surat's largest, used to handle more than 30 bodies every day, but now it handles an average of 110. AKC has nine gas furnaces in good working order, as well as four wooden pyre stands.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Vijay Rupali dismissed claims on Saturday that the state government was planning an attack.
Covid's real death data is being kept hidden. "If a comorbid patient dies, a commission of physicians determines the primary and secondary causes of death, according to ICMR recommendations. The death is not considered a Covid death if the primary cause of death is determined to be a heart attack and the patient was infected with coronavirus. Throughout the count, the same method is used.