In a Park, A man help Squirrel who is in trouble.
They run around racing each other jumping from tree to tree fluffing their tails and shaking up the branches but they never close with us, they run away as soon as they noticed us.
A squirrel begged a man in the park to help her baby who was in trouble at first glance. The main character of this man could not understand why the squirrel was being so persistent running in circles around him. He thought that she might be hungry and was asking for food or simply wanted to check out the new person but after a while, it becomes obvious that the squirrel was asking for help let's circle back to the beginning a man was taking a walk in a park close to his home.
When suddenly he saw a squirrel that jumped out of a tree and ran towards him the guy thought it was strange as he knew that these animals were very cautious around people avoiding any close contact. Miquel was about to continue walking but the squirrel seemed so agitated that he decided to slow down and figure out what was going on.
It seemed like she wanted to tell him something but couldn't find a way to do it. The man stayed in one place and waited so he could see what the little animal would do. Finally, the squirrel got enough courage and jumped right at Miguel's feet then quickly headed for a huge oak tree nearby the man's curiosity got the better of him.
He followed the squirrel it turned out that a tiny baby squirrel was lying under a tree his leg was injured and he couldn't move a grey cat was hiding out in the bushes watching them. That's when Miquel figured it all out the cat must have attacked the baby squirrel and injured his leg.
The mother was able to fight off the first attack but now she needed help the cat wasn't going anywhere and just waiting for the right moment to attack them again. The squirrel knew that she wouldn't be able to fight off the cat so she went and found help. It's amazing how animals will do anything to save their young ones even the most unexpected things the squirrel seemed to be an extremely smart animal.
Who just couldn't talk but clearly understood everything Ming kayo scared away the cat and called animal rescue who came right away. They examined the baby squirrel and took both squirrels to a different safer part of the park. The man was very happy to have been part of the rescue of them for a small family. Now every time Miguel walks through the park he looks at the squirrels and thinks that one of them might be the small squirrel he once saved from the cat.