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If You Take The Trouble To Observe How Humans Live.

You will see that in all fields, personal, social, political, economic, the difficulties come from the fact that most people do everything for their own benefits, not for others. Their interest is purely egotistical, their ideal, their standard, is always to take, for everything begins and ends with them.

The motive of this civilization, the point everywhere is to take. People study, work, meet, marry, in order to take from each other, the mind is trained in that direction. Men no longer emanate light, warmth, life, because of their habit of taking.

Even in love, a man and women seek each other only in order to take. This tendency to acquire, to take, to possess, is the strongest characteristic of the personality. The personality is a trinity, a triangle pointing upwards. It corresponds with the trinity of the mind, heart and will, but in their lower manifestations.

When it comes up against forces that seem to oppose the realization of its selfish desires and tendencies. It immediately mobilizes all it has, all its mental, emotional, and voluntary resources in order to obtain what it wants.

The higher self, on the contrary, wants only to enlighten, to radiate light, to give, to help, to sustain others, it is always trying to project something of itself. It emanates generosity and self-abnegation. That is why it does not hide its possessions and is not irritated when someone wants to take from it, on the contrary.

It is happy to be able to give people what they need. The individuality is also a trinity of the mind, heart, and will, but here the desire of the mind is to shine. The desire of the heart is to shed warmth, and the desire will is to revive people, animate them, and set them free.

The fundamental virtue of the higher nature is to give. That is what virtue is a radiance, a projection of the self from the centre to the periphery, a need for sacrifice, for the giving of self, like the sun which gives and gives.