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If Italy Surrender to the CoronaVirus, then WHO will stand for Italy.

Italy Surrender or not WHO(World Health Organization) is with Italy to do the proper things with calm and defend the citizens. 

WHO(World Health Organization) chief Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the wide variety of cases in Italy accelerated in two weeks. Also, stated he was "deeply concerned" with the aid of "alarming tiers of inaction".

WHO has shipped 2M items of protective gear to 74 countries

His enchantment was observed with the aid of several different international locations in ever extra stringent restrictions to attempt to save the Citizens from the CoronaVirus taking hold.

World Health Organization announces the coronavirus a pandemic.

A pandemic is a disease that is spreading in more than one nations around the world at the equal time.

He called the Italian governments to alternate the path of the outbreak by taking "pressing and aggressive action".

Announcing the toughest lockdown seen yet in Europe, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said bars, hairdressers, eating places and cafes that couldn't guarantee a metre's distance between customers and non-essential organization departments might additionally close.

For more details, see the media briefing on #COVID19 with @DrTedros

We urge to the Italian Citizen always aware of the fake news about "Italy Surrender" posts going viral on the internet claiming, Italian PM Giuseppe Conte said Italy has surrendered to the Covid-19 pandemic is all not fact verified.