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IAF Indian Airforce Video will give you Goosebumps.

Indian Airforce has been in talks from past few years as airstrikes on Pakistan than Abhinandan return, and all gave Indian Air force limelight of five decades together though our Air force doesn't need much attention as they are the backbone of our country.

Recently the Indian Air Force IAF came with lovely video for our people who will give you goosebumps as music and all with our Airforce Jawans glimpse makes the video very emotional and it also gives you proud feeling from inside when you see the video.

Video is 2:20 minutes on New year Evening by IAF which was posted on Twitter which has been retweeted by more than 1.2k and loved by 6k people and watched by more than 17.k people in no time. 

Here the video link from IAF Twitter account 

Video is edited with excellent background music with poetic Hindi and energetic music. It is also showing air warrior wearing a smile filled with pride and resolve to defeat the enemy. 

Then comes the message I am the warrior of the IAF beating death is in my nature. IAF is NABHAH SPARSHAM DIPTAM means to touch the sky with Glory. Air warrior flies like an eagle.

With Indian Air force wished happy new year- 2020 to our country people.