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How to win your subconscious mind??

We are the potential to live a great and legendary life But sometimes in life, we miss the opportunities and when we have freedom of choice and time without discipline we will end up missing out on the phenomenal opportunities life brings in our way. We need to stop being tricked by the silly ways of the mind.


The first competition that begins is, it begins with us, with our subconscious mind, never shy away from your commitments, just go for it, rise up to your expectations first, as these small things make u what you want to be, these are the little wars of life that you need to win from your the subconscious mind, another thing is discipline, it’s the most important thing one should adopt in life to reach a pinnacle, that’s been the very reason we join school and colleges as they teach us not only about discipline but also discipline us pragmatically so that later in life we can value and understand the importance of discipline.

Ways to start training your subconscious mind…

1. To achieve success give permission to yourself.

2. Don't allow people’s fears to inbuilt shadows of doubt.

3. Occupy yourself with positive reinforcement.

4.Celebrate your success as a present fact, not your future plan.

5. Fill your “secret time” with affirmation ad motivation.